Yankee Marshal: Shooting Left, Missing The Mark?

This is an open letter to Yankee Marshal, a Left-Leaning Pro-Gun YouTube Presenter T-Shirts Available NOW Shirts available!Buy a T-Shirt Here Yes, the title is clickbait… welcome to the internet. Join the conversation on Odysee, a censorship-free video platform. TLDR: I’d like to come on your show and have an intelligent discussion. Yes, I’m allowed to disagree with Yankee without being disrespectful. Hey Yankee,  I actually met you awhile back at a 2a rally in Salem, OR. I’m writing because I partially disagree with you and your positions on what you seem to style as profit-motivated fear-mongering on the Right and the recent Statist rhetoric from some right-wing outlets.  What I think you’re saying: If I understand you, it seems like […]

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