Civilian Sheepdogs Setting Up Armed Checkpoints, Brawling With Antifa

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2020 has been weird. The latest drama in a dramatic year has been the catastrophic wildfires in Oregon and the subsequent emergency evacuations of entire towns. In the wake of reports of drug-addicted looters burglarizing homes in the evacuation zone and mentally ill saboteurs attempting to start more forest fires, some would-be “sheepdogs” have begun setting up checkpoint roadblocks on public highways where they demand to see drivers’ IDs and explain themselves at gunpoint.

militias are supposed to be pro-personal liberties, so stop setting up roadblocks

The problem with this behavior is that it violates the entire concept of the freedom that the 2nd Amendment protects: to waive flags emblazoned with “Don’t Tread on Me!” while proceeding to tread on the rights of your neighbors makes those responsible guilty of the same tyranny they fear in government overreach.

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The other problematic trend in the sheepdog community is Right-Wing Groups going into town to engage Antifa members in fist-fights and other violent acts. This is a problem because it makes gun owners look just as bad as Antifa and puts all parties involved on a national stage of ridicule much like combatants on the famed Jerry Springer show. Let’s skip the histrionics and get back to what being a gun owner is supposed to be about: personal liberty, self-reliance and protecting oneself and family.

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