When they finally come for your stuff, what side will the police be on? Take a serious look at California and New York if you want to know the answer. What would happen if you were in California or New York and you got pulled over with your (legal-in-most-states) airsoft replica in the back seat? Does the cop salute you as a patriot? Yeah, didn’t think so.
Should Patriots Back The Blue?
- Phrase: Back the blue
- Definition: This slogan signifies support, approval and a favorable view of police officers, sheriff’s departments and other law enforcement agencies.
The phrase is associated with American Flags redone in a black and gray scale with one of the horizontal stripes colored blue. “Blue” is a reference to police’s traditionally blue uniforms. The metaphorical thin blue line points out police’s role in keeping criminals away from polite society. The phrase is popular in politically conservative circles within the United States. Perhaps ironically, police unions and departments frequently side against the 2a rights that conservatives hold as one of their most important core values.

So, should Patriots, gun owners and those who care about personal liberties and individual rights back the blue? I frequently see Don’t Tread On Me, MAGA and Back The Blue flags all displayed as bumper stickers on the same truck. Given this, I can only conclude that this view is common among conservatives and gun owners. Many conservatives own guns because of family and cultural tradition as well as lifestyles that involve hunting and target shooting. However, most gun owners also cite self defense against would-be criminals as a common reason for individual firearms ownership. It makes sense that someone who wants to defend themselves against criminals would have a favorable view of police who offer protection. Similarly, conservative ideals like following the law, upholding traditions, respect for authority and family values mesh well with the idea of defending police.
During the so-called “mostly peaceful” riots of 2020, police officers were vilified by Left-Wing media outlets, social media platforms and politicians seeking a horse to ride. With democratic politicians along with antifa extremists all united in cries to defund the police, the conservative reaction to back the blue makes sense.
But, love of tradition, upholding family values, respect for authority figures all neglect one other deeply held conservative value: The Second Amendment.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The second amendment is an affirmation of every citizen’s responsibility to ensure that America remains a free country by privately owning arms (guns and military equipment).
The Second Amendment was not written to protect people’s right to go hunting or pursue target shooting as a hobby. The Second Amendment was not even mainly aimed at protecting people’s right to defend themselves against attack by criminals. The real intent of the Second Amendment was to ensure that private citizens had a last ditch way to defend themselves against tyrannical governments.
Gun owners who consider themselves patriots frequently cite the Second Amendment as being important for defense against government tyranny while also backing the blue.
- The Second Amendment is a people’s defense against government tyranny
- The police are the muscle behind government laws
- The police routinely seize guns from free citizens whose only crime is having a gun
- Tyrannical governments always use police to force civilians to obey
Important Facts For Gun Owners To Consider
- What government entity routinely kits out with night vision, armored vehicles, ballistic vests and machine-guns to go kick down the doors of civilians at 3am?
- What government entity has confiscated the most guns and has put the most non-violent gun owners in jail?
- Who exactly is coming for your guns?
- Have the police ever stepped up in any united fashion to oppose unconstitutional gun bans at the state level?
- Who will arrest you if you refuse to show vaccine papers?
- Who will enforce mask mandates?
Tough Questions For Gun Owners
US States like California and New York have already shown us the gun ban playbook. In these states, police departments routinely enforce unjust gun laws and then brag about it on TV. Sure, an occasional county sheriff in a rural district will oppose certain government overreaches. But, these instances of police agencies standing up to the government are the exception, not the rule.
Go have a beer with a back-the-blue-gun-guy and he’ll tell you plenty of anecdotes about his uncle who is a cop and his cop friend is cool and about how that one sheriff in that one county chose not to enforce a red-flag law once. However, for each of those anecdotes there are hundreds, if not thousands of entire police departments and unions who unanimously support unconstitutional gun laws.
Police oppose Utah Relaxing Gun Laws
Washington Police Support Red Flag Laws
Majority of Police Chiefs Support Gun Control
Biden Wants Cops to Seize Guns Without Warrant
Yes, we need cops. Yes, I respect that being a police officer is not an easy job. But, the vast majority of police departments around the country have been all too willing to support unjust and unconstitutional gun laws.
When they finally come for your guns, what side will the police be on? Take a serious look at California and New York if you want to know the answer. What would happen if you were in California or New York and you got pulled over with your (legal-in-most-states) AR15 in the back seat? Does the cop salute you as a patriot? Yeah, didn’t think so.