NVG Operator

T-Shirts Available NOW Shirts available!Buy a T-Shirt Here NVG stands for Night Vision Goggles, which is a catch-all term to describe wearable devices that help one see in the dark. So, you finally took the plunge and got into the NVG game. Congratulations. Of course, if you’re serious enough about preparedness and personal defense to spring for NODs, you already know that gear doesn’t do much good without practice and training. But, where to begin? Fortunately, there’s a growing number of firearms training facilities offering night fighting courses that cover things like shooting under NODs, passive aiming, using IR lasers and illuminators, team tactics and land navigation. But, to get the most out of your night vision goggles and operator […]

Shotguns: Defense & Survival

T-Shirts Available NOW Shirts available!Buy a T-Shirt Here Shotguns are among the most commonly owned and iconic American Firearms. Even the most awful and notorious gun-controlling, freedom-hating politicians like Joe Biden have publicly recommended that people get a 12 gauge shotgun for home defense. And, while I’d never take life advice from a career swamp-creature like Biden and his “AFT” storm-troopers, the shotgun does have valid use-cases in the modern arsenal. Shotguns are versatile, commonly owned and easy to find ammo for. You can hunt birds, bears or defend your home with one. On the downside, shotguns have limited ammo capacity compared to modern rifles, have harsher recoil and are much slower to reload. Despite these drawbacks, shotguns are an […]

Beretta 1301 Review

T-Shirts Available NOW Shirts available!Buy a T-Shirt Here TLDR: The Beretta 1301 is the best value semi-auto shotgun on the market today. I’ve put thousands of rounds through this shotgun and I don’t think I have ever had a malfunction, ever. I’ve had zero malfunctions despite going over two years without cleaning it and frequently shooting in rain and snowstorms. It’s a smooth shooting shotgun and the fast cyclic rate means you can pop off accurate follow-up shots swiftly. It’s bad ass, you should get one. Beretta 1301 Specifications: Firearm Type: Shotgun Cartridge/Gauge: 12 Gauge shotgun. Manufacturer & Country of Origin: Beretta (Fabbrica d’Armi Pietro Beretta), Italy. Chamber: Chamber accepts 2 & 3/4 inch (70mm) and 3 inch (76mm) shells. […]

Back The Blue?

T-Shirts Available NOW Shirts available!Buy a T-Shirt Here When they finally come for your guns, what side will the police be on? Take a serious look at California and New York if you want to know the answer. What would happen if you were in California or New York and you got pulled over with your (legal-in-most-states) AR15 in the back seat? Does the cop salute you as a patriot? Yeah, didn’t think so. Should Patriots Back The Blue? Phrase: Back the blue Definition: This slogan signifies support, approval and a favorable view of police officers, sheriff’s departments and other law enforcement agencies. The phrase is associated with American Flags redone in a black and gray scale with one of […]

M92 PAP Review: Zastava AK47 Pistol

T-Shirts Available NOW Shirts available!Buy a T-Shirt Here Zastava M92 PAP Review: 8 years, 10,000 rounds Running the Krink, Krinkov, Suchka (Similar to AK74u): PAP M92 TLDR: This is a delightfully crude beast spits huge fireballs and can put lead on target 250 yards away. Short and nimble, it’s a great “truck gun” that’s a lot more accurate than you’d think. But, the big muzzle flash means it’s not my top choice for home defense in enclosed spaces at night. Zastava M92 PAP Specifications Firearm Type: Short barreled AK pattern firearm/carbine. This firearm is imported into the United States in semi-automatic pistol configuration, without a stock. Military versions outside the US come with an underfolder stock and are select fire […]

Glock 34

T-Shirts Available NOW Shirts available!Buy a T-Shirt Here While I grew up appreciating the nostalgia, craftsmanship and crisp single-action performance of revolvers like Smith & Wesson’s iconic model 686, the venerable 1911 and derivatives of the Browning Hi-Power, when it came time to choose a full-sized handgun, I bought a Glock 34. Perhaps due to my brand affinity with Smith & Wesson, when it was time to make my purchase, I actually liked the Smith & Wesson M&P 9L PRO better. I preferred the ergonomics of the Smith & Wesson and also felt that the form of the gun was more aesthetically pleasing. The Smith & Wesson M&P just felt better in my hands. As an aside, even though I […]

Antifa & BLM Vs. Proud Boys & Trump

T-Shirts Available NOW Shirts available!Buy a T-Shirt Here Today, our country feels more politically divided than it has been in several generations. The natural human tendency is to continue the blame-game and make the divide between Left & Right even deeper. At times, myself as a human have been guilty of this. But please, for the sake of our future, let’s set aside all of the partisan arguments for a moment. Together, let’s examine the bigger picture of what is happening and why. First Principles: Antifa Vs Proud boys What is happening? Groups of people (both Progressives and Conservatives) are interacting online and creating positive feedback loops where anger and outrage flourish with increasing intensity. Eventually this outrage reaches an […]

Civilian Sheepdogs Setting Up Armed Checkpoints, Brawling With Antifa

T-Shirts Available NOW Shirts available!Buy a T-Shirt Here 2020 has been weird. The latest drama in a dramatic year has been the catastrophic wildfires in Oregon and the subsequent emergency evacuations of entire towns. In the wake of reports of drug-addicted looters burglarizing homes in the evacuation zone and mentally ill saboteurs attempting to start more forest fires, some would-be “sheepdogs” have begun setting up checkpoint roadblocks on public highways where they demand to see drivers’ IDs and explain themselves at gunpoint. The problem with this behavior is that it violates the entire concept of the freedom that the 2nd Amendment protects: to waive flags emblazoned with “Don’t Tread on Me!” while proceeding to tread on the rights of your […]

Best Guns For Self Defense & Civil Unrest

T-Shirts Available NOW Shirts available!Buy a T-Shirt Here Best Guns For Self Defense, Civil Unrest EDC: Glock 43 Since you can’t predict when you’ll need to defend yourself, it’s a good idea to get your concealed carry permit and take a gun with you. The Glock 43 is my top pick for EDC (Every Day Carry). The G43’s very small size means it stays hidden in any situation. Combine that with legendary Glock reliability and enough of a site radius to make center of mass hits at 20-30 yards with practice and you’ve got a winner. Service Pistol: Glock 34 If you’re going to carry a full sized “service pistol”, you might as well take Glock’s competition-inspired G34. This full-size […]

Yankee Marshal: Shooting Left, Missing The Mark?

This is an open letter to Yankee Marshal, a Left-Leaning Pro-Gun YouTube Presenter T-Shirts Available NOW Shirts available!Buy a T-Shirt Here Yes, the title is clickbait… welcome to the internet. Join the conversation on Odysee, a censorship-free video platform. TLDR: I’d like to come on your show and have an intelligent discussion. Yes, I’m allowed to disagree with Yankee without being disrespectful. Hey Yankee,  I actually met you awhile back at a 2a rally in Salem, OR. I’m writing because I partially disagree with you and your positions on what you seem to style as profit-motivated fear-mongering on the Right and the recent Statist rhetoric from some right-wing outlets.  What I think you’re saying: If I understand you, it seems like […]

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